Our Editor-in-Chief Micaela Merryman had the chance to sit down and talk with college student Trevor Loucks of Influenza U.S., an alternative, independent clothing brand here in Flagstaff. Here's a quick look into what exactly Influenza up to, and what is coming next.

"I chose to print myself because it was the easiest way I could think to get product made. I was gifted a cheap printer and learned anything I could through the internet. It took me awhile to learn how to burn screens and get clean prints but it’s the right way in my opinion. sourcing materials isn’t hard, you just have to do the research yourself.
I try to design graphics that are simplistic and make sense to me. Clothes I make are my interpretation of how a t-shirt, or anything for that matter, should look. I make it and hope others with my taste like whatever it is and want to wear it as well.

My influences come mostly from vintage print/media. I collect old shirts and books which help with creative direction. spirituality of any kind, skateboarding, and music also all find their way into my brand.
I’m eager for the future of Influenza. Shirts will be released consistently, and I hope to have a full collection sometime this year. I would love to collaborate more, so maybe that too. Just buy some shit and the rest will follow. "
Support Trevor and Influenza by visiting influenzaepedemic.bigcartel.com or following @influenza.us on Instagram.
